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Communicate Progress with Hillcharts

Hillia is a free tool to visualize where your projects stand

Get an overhead view of your project

Project progress is not linear, Hillcharts provide a clear distinction between the exploration and execution phases, enabling you to visualize the entire project landscape at a glance.

Connect with all your tools

Effortlessly share Hillchart updates in real-time on Slack.
Sync your Hillia projects with your Jira boards, Trello boards, Asana projects, or Zapier using Hillia's API.

Follow progress asynchronously and remotely

Every change made on the Hill charts is instantly reflected in the project timeline, offering you a straightforward way to track progress and receive updates over time

Hillcharts, a concept introduced by Basecamp

Hillcharts were introduced in 2018 in the Basecamp project management tool.

If you can't use Basecamp but you still want to follow the Shape Up philosophy, you can use Hillia for free to track progress of your own projects with Hillcharts.

Basecamp is a complete project management toolkit that provides among others to-do lists, milestone management, forum-like messaging, file sharing, time tracking tools and Hillcharts which are completely integrated.